Happy Supreme Love Day
Celebrate by watching this documentary about John Coltrane. We thank our head music blogger, long time collaborator and dear friend Paul Aviles for sending it to us. See Joseph's note to Paul below to find out what the CHURCH means to us.
Thanks so much for thisI remember passing byThe African Orthodox Church ofSaint John ColtraneWhen I lived in SFWe started out in the MissionThen moved to the Hayes ValleyWhich wasn’t that far from the ChurchIt was more of a store front thenI can still see the Black Lettering on the whiteWooden signI always wanted to go inBut there wasn’t much time...Also At that moment my only prayer was to be
Able to make music that madePeople Happy...really it was a whole groupOf people who sincerely shared that prayer..So even though I never set foot insideI always felt like that was my churchCoda:I definitely broke theIt’s sacrilege to perform Love Supreme(Badly) Rule (Multiple Times)